Home Child Care Provider Pilot and Home Support Worker Pilot are Canada’s new Caregiver Immigration Pilot programs that allow qualified caregivers and their family immigrate to Canada.

These programs will replace the previous “Caring for Children” and “Caring for People with High Medical Needs” pilot programs. Immigration Canada will first review the applicant’s qualifications and issue a work permit upon reaching the new requirements.  

If applicants have been offered a job in Canada as a caregiver or have experience working in Canada as a caregiver for 2 years, they may be able to apply for permanent residence through one of these pilots. 

The application process will be different depending on your situation and how much qualifying work experience you have. 


Qualified Job Positions 

Home Child Care Provider  

National Occupation Classification, NOC4411 

Home childcare providers care for children on an ongoing or short-term basis. They care for the well-being and physical and social development of children, assist parents with childcare and may assist with household duties. They provide care primarily in their own homes or in the children’s homes, where they may also reside. They are employed by private households and child-care agencies, or they may be self-employed. 

Example Titles: Nanny, Childcare live-in caregiver, Babysitter, etc. 


Home Support Worker  

National Occupation Classification, NOC4412 

Home support workers provide personal care and companionship for seniors, persons with disabilities and convalescent clients. Care is provided within the client’s residence, in which the home support worker may also reside. They are employed by home care and support agencies, private households, or they may be self-employed. Housekeepers perform housekeeping and other home management duties in private households and other non-institutional, residential settings. 

Example Titles: Attendant for persons with disabilities – home care, Live-in caregiver – seniors, Doula, etc.  



  • Applicants will be assessed for permanent residency status before they come to work in Canada. Once applicants were approved, they will get an open work permit to come to Canada and work temporarily. After working for at least 24 months, applicants can directly apply for their permanent residence. 
  • Family members are also eligible to come with the applicant to Canada. If they want to work or study while in Canada, they can include their work or study permit applications with application. 
  • Applicants can change employers without getting a new work permit or a new job offer, but they cannot change the occupational category. 



  • Applicants must have a genuine and valid job offer; The employer does not need a Labour Market impact Assessment (LMIA); Applicants’ salary must be in the range of current salary for this position. 
  • To support the application for permanent residence, applicants need to get at lease 24 months of qualifying work experience.  
  • Applicants must work as a home childcare provider (NOC4411), or home support worker (NOC4412).
  • If the applicant works as a home childcare provider, experience as a foster parent does not count; If the applicant works as a home support worker, experience as a housekeeper does not count. 
  • The job needs to be a full-time job, which means at least 30 hours of paid work each week and it cannot be a seasonal job. 
  • Work experience can be accumulated, applicants can change employers without getting a new work permit or a new job offer, but they cannot change the occupational category. 
  • Need to take a language test to prove the applicant meets the language level. The minimum language skill is CLB 5 in English for all 4 language skills. 
  • The job must be outside the province of Quebec, and the applicant plans to live outside the province of Quebec as a permanent resident. 
  • Applicants must have a complete post-secondary education credential of at least 1 year in Canada.If the applicant doesn’t have a Canadian education credential, he/she need to get your foreign education credential assessed to show that it’s equal to a completed Canadian post-secondary education credential of at least 1 year.


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